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William Mackrell

William Mackrell is a contemporary artist based in London, UK, born in 1983. He earned a BA in Painting from Chelsea College of Art and Design and an MFA in Fine Arts from Goldsmiths, University of London.

William Mackrell's Art Style

Mackrell's artistry encompasses performance, etching, and painting, resulting in evocative creations that explore the delicate realms of touch, absence, and desire, leaving behind traces and fragile assemblages.

Mackrell employs his body as a catalyst, instigating a transformation of the intricate fabric of reality. This metamorphosis unfolds through his performances and materializes in his creations. As an artist profoundly attuned to the spaces he inhabits, Mackrell leaves behind tangible remnants and delicate linguistic constructs that delve into the sensory realms of touch, absence, and desire.

Global Artistic Impact of William Mackrell

Mackrell's artistic journey has taken him far and wide, with exhibitions that have graced both national and international stages. His recent solo exhibitions include "A Painter in the House of Letters" at Musée Delacroix, Paris (2021), "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" at RYDER, Madrid (2020), "Rage Rage Against the Dying of the Light" at LUNGLEY Gallery, London (2020), "Here Is Where We Meet" at Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna (2019), and "Proyectos ARTBO" (2019) in Bogota, curated by Aaron Cezar.

His works found their places in numerous collections worldwide, including Albright-Knox Art Gallery Buffalo, Contemporary Art Society, London, Israel Museum Jerusalem, Manchester Art Gallery UK, Goldsmiths Alumni Collection UK, Krinzinger Collection Vienna, and Justin Art House Museum Melbourne.

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