Karin Lambrecht

As a member of the Geração 80 (Generation 80), Karin Lambrecht's artistic approach is deeply grounded in the tradition of gestural abstraction that characterizes the Brazilian artists of the 1980s.

Biography of Karin Lambrecht

Karin Lambrecht was born in 1957 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. She pursued her studies at the Instituto de Artes da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

In 1980, Lambrecht relocated to West Berlin to pursue studies at the Hochschule der Künste, where she encountered influential artists like Joseph Beuys. This experience continued to shape her artistic practice even after her return to Brazil in 1983.

In 1984, she participated in the groundbreaking exhibition "Como vai você, Geração 80?" (How are you doing, 80s generation?) in Rio de Janeiro, coinciding with widespread Diretas Já protests across Brazil advocating for direct and free presidential elections.

In 1986, Lambrecht undertook a residency at the Millay Colony for Arts in New York State, during which she crossed paths with Louise Bourgeois in New York City.

In 2017, she relocated to Broadstairs, UK, where she continues to live and work. 

Karin Lambrecht's Art Style

As a member of the Geração 80, Karin Lambrecht explored gestural abstraction, exploring the realms of painting and sculpture. Early in her artistic journey, Lambrecht challenged conventional notions of the canvas and its treatment. She opted to abandon the traditional frame, stitching the fabric and incorporating charred patches.

Influenced by Arte Povera and Joseph Beuys, her works echo their formal considerations regarding the interplay between art and life, encompassing natural and cultural realms alongside consciousness.

Starting from the 1990s, Lambrecht incorporated organic elements into her paintings, including charcoal, rainwater, earth, and animal blood, thereby establishing a distinctive chromatic vocabulary. Alongside these natural materials, her artworks often showcase crosses, allusions to the body, handwritten or stamped cryptic words, and other recurring motifs. These elements foster a sense of connection or resonance between the viewer and the artwork.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1957

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, Broadstairs