Laura Vinci

Laura Vinci is acclaimed for her body of work in sculpture and large-scale installations, characterized by a continual exploration of the interplay between body, space, and ephemerality.

Biography of Laura Vinci

Laura Vinci was born in 1962 in São Paulo. She obtained her degree in Arts Education from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP) in 1987. She went on to pursue her master's degree in Fine Arts at Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP), completing it in 2000.

In addition to her academic achievements, Vincienriched her artistic journey through participation in the residency program at The South Project, hosted by RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, in 2005. 

She has also taken part in numerous biennials, including the 13th Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space in Prague, Czech Republic (2015), where she represented Brazil; the 10th Cuenca International Biennial in Cuenca, Ecuador (2009); as well as the 2nd, 5th, and 7th editions of the Bienal do Mercosul in Porto Alegre, Brazil (1999, 2005, and 2009). Additionally, she contributed to the 26th Bienal Internacional de São Paulo in São Paulo, Brazil (2004). These international platforms have provided her with opportunities to showcase her artistic vision on a global stage, fostering dialogue and exchange among artists from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Laura Vinci's solo exhibitions include "Maquinamata" at Nara Roesler in Rio de Janeiro (2022), "Folhas avulsas e galho" at Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM-SP) in São Paulo (2019), "Todas as Graças" at Instituto Ling in Porto Alegre (2019), "morro mundo" at Nara Roesler in Rio de Janeiro (2017), among others.

Currently, the artist lives and works in São Paulo.

Laura Vinci's Art Style

Grounded in her research, Vinci delves into the intricate relationship between body, ephemerality, and space. She perceives space as a dynamic organism facilitating interactions among its inhabitants, yet inherently vulnerable to the relentless passage of time. Through her artistic exploration, Vinci probes the movements and transformations of matter, revealing its transient essence and prompting fresh interpretations of our environment.

Vinci initiated her artistic journey in the mid-1980s, initially immersing herself in painting. However, instead of gravitating towards figuration, she endeavored to imbue her works with a quasi-three-dimensional quality, prompting a swift transition towards sculpture.

Her fascination with transformative processes is evident in her intervention titled 'hourglass,' created for the Arte/Cidade 3 project (1997) in São Paulo, which captures the concept of erosion. Additionally, the notion of condensation is reflected in her utilization of cooling coils to create frozen words. These thematic interests are also evident in Vinci's collaboration with Teatro Oficina, where she serves as artistic director, contributing to the theater's set and costume designs.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1962

  • Country:

    Brazil, São Paulo/SP

  • Personal website