Anita Pumani

Anita Pumani hails from Indulkana on the APY Lands, where she was born and spent her early years. However, she grew up primarily in Mimili and completed her schooling in Adelaide. Raised as the eldest daughter of Teresa Mula and Ken Pumani, esteemed senior cultural leaders in Mimili, Anita was immersed in the teachings of Tjukurpa from a young age, learning about its profound significance to her culture and community.

Anita Pumani's Art Style

Having been raised within a lineage of resilient women, Anita Pumani takes great pride in depicting women's stories in her artwork. She frequently draws inspiration from Antara, a significant women's site near the Mimili community, and passionately shares narratives surrounding the Maku (witchetty grub) Tjukurpa.

She has collaborated with her mother and sisters on several works, notably exploring the profound Seven Sisters Story. This ancient narrative, deeply ingrained in her family line, becomes a recurring theme in her art

Anita Pumani's commitment to her community extends beyond her artistic endeavors. As a Mimili Maku Arts art center director and a board member for the APY Art Centre Collective, she becomes a driving force in the cultural and artistic spheres. Her leadership is marked by a passionate pursuit of sustainable employment and cultural learning opportunities for the next generation of Anangu in Mimili.

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