John Sonsini

Over the past four decades, John Sonsini has solidified his reputation as one of the leading portrait painters of his era. Renowned for his skillful manipulation of oil paint, Sonsini is celebrated for his portraits of men, which he paints directly from life, skillfully capturing both their physical appearance and psychological essence.

Biography of John Sonsini

John Sonsini was born in 1950 in Rome, New York, into an Italian-American family. As a child, he relocated to Los Angeles with his family, where he spent his formative years in North Hollywood within the San Fernando Valley.

In 1975, he completed his studies at the California State University in Northridge, receiving a BA degree.

From the mid-1980s to the 2020s, Sonsini has hosted successful exhibitions at various art galleries and venues. His recent solo exhibitions include "Watercolors" at Vielmetter Los Angeles in Los Angeles (2023), "Cowboy Stories & New Paintings" at Vielmetter Los Angeles in Los Angeles (2020), "John Sonsini" at Miles McEnery Gallery in New York (2019), "A Day’s Labor: Portraits by John Sonsini" at Art Design & Architecture Museum at the University of California in Santa Barbara (2019), and many more. 

John Sonsini's paintings have also been featured in numerous group exhibitions at various venues worldwide such as Palm Springs Art Museum, The Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art, Hudson River Museum, National Portrait Gallery, Memorial Art Gallery, Greg Kucera Gallery, Elizabeth Leach Gallery. 

John Sonsini's Art Style

Renowned for his profound examination of male subjects in his paintings, Sonsini portrays a diverse array of individuals, encompassing both gay and non-gay men, as well as working-class men, Latino immigrants, and day laborers found on Los Angeles street corners.

Gabriel, a Mexican American immigrant and Sonsini's recurring subject, has notably influenced the artist's creative trajectory. Under Gabriel's influence, Sonsini transitioned from depicting solely nude or partially dressed figures with homoerotic undertones to portraying fully clothed men, fostering a more inclusive and intimate relationship with his subjects.

Sonsini draws inspiration from various sources, including the work of Bob Mizer, the founder of Physique Pictorial, a notable magazine in gay culture, as well as abstract painters such as Willem de Kooning and Francis Bacon. His artwork frequently blends elements of abstraction with depictions of the human form, and he places a strong emphasis on personal interactions with live models. Sonsini's paintings are characterized by their collaborative essence, with many of the colors and poses directly inspired by the individuals he portrays.

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