About the Artwork 4500
© Photo by Darren O'Brien

Lubaina Himid

Lubaina Himid is a British artist, curator, and writer whose work addresses themes of race, gender, and identity, particularly within the context of Black history and culture. Born in Tanzania in 1954, she has lived and worked in the UK since the 1980s and has played a significant role in the Black British art movement.

Himid's art ranges from painting to installation, printmaking, and performance, and she often combines different media in her work. Many of her works incorporate found objects, such as discarded materials, which she transforms into powerful statements about the history and experiences of Black people.

Himid is also an advocate for social engagement and has worked extensively with communities and groups that have been historically marginalized. In addition to her artistic practice, she has also curated exhibitions and written about the Black British art movement.

Himid's work has been featured in numerous exhibitions around the world, including a major retrospective at the Tate Modern in 2019. Her art has been widely recognized and she has received numerous awards, including the Turner Prize in 2017.

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