About the Artwork Claire Hooper, 1978, Lebt in London, Photo Peter Schnetz
© Photo by Peter Schnetz

Claire Hooper

Claire Hooper is a British artist known for her work with video and large-scale watercolor paintings. Claire Hooper's artistic practice is centered around the concept of literature, using a specific text and its inherent structures as a basis for new productions. She is interested in exploring the permeable boundary between a close reading and personal interpretation, often associating the interior or underground space with the psyche or dreaming mind. While she has a penchant for recurring themes, Hooper's latest body of work sees her move away from video and into installation, using watercolor techniques to create large-scale wall panel works on paper.

She has exhibited her work in various international venues, including Lothringer 13 in Munich, MUMOK in Vienna, and the Serpentine Gallery in London. Hooper's video works, such as Nyx, Aoide, and Eris, have gained critical acclaim. In 2010, she won the Baloise Art Prize Art Statements at Art Basel. Her large-scale watercolor paintings, including Clay as Bread and Dust as Wine, showcase her imagination and creativity. She is represented by Hollybush Gardens London and her work is distributed by LUX.

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