About the Artwork John Coplans

John Coplans

John Coplans was a British artist, writer, and curator who became known for his photographic self-portraits, which were often strikingly unflinching and raw. Born in London in 1920, Coplans emigrated to the United States in 1960 to take up a position as editor-in-chief of Artforum magazine.

Coplans began his career as an abstract painter, but soon turned to photography as a means of exploring the human body. His self-portraits, which he began creating in the 1980s, often featured close-up views of his aging body, capturing the wrinkles, folds, and imperfections that are typically hidden from view.

Coplans was interested in challenging traditional notions of beauty and perfection, and his work was often controversial, with some critics accusing him of exploiting his own body for shock value. However, others saw his work as a powerful commentary on the aging process and the human condition.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1920

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, London