About the Artwork 640 1

Fengyi Guo

Guo Fengyi was a Chinese artist known for her intricate ink drawings that combine traditional Chinese medicine, Taoist philosophy, and mythology. She was born in 1942 in Xi'an, China, and spent most of her life living and working in a small village in the Henan Province.

Guo Fengyi began drawing in the 1980s as a form of self-treatment for her health problems, and soon developed a unique style that incorporated elements of Chinese medicine and Taoist philosophy. Her drawings often feature complex diagrams and patterns, as well as figures and symbols drawn from Chinese mythology.

Guo Fengyi's work is characterized by its attention to detail and the intricate, almost obsessive quality of her drawings. She often worked on a large scale, using rolls of paper that could be several meters long, and would spend months or even years on a single piece.

In addition to her drawings, Guo Fengyi also produced a series of ink paintings that feature similar themes and motifs. Her work has been exhibited in China and internationally, and is held in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, and the Shanghai Museum of Art, among others.

Guo Fengyi's art is considered part of the "Outsider Art" movement, which refers to art created by self-taught artists who operate outside of the mainstream art world. Her work is notable for its unique synthesis of traditional Chinese culture and Taoist philosophy, and its use of intricate and detailed drawing techniques to explore complex spiritual and metaphysical themes.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1942

  • Country:

    China, Xi'an