Jean Marc Routhier

Jean Marc Routhier has had a total of nine exhibitions over the last nine years, with his first verified exhibition being White on White: Ghosts, Phantoms, and the Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse at SixtyEight in Copenhagen in 2013 and his most recent exhibition being Fera at Sans Souci in Klampenborg in 2022. While he is primarily exhibited in Denmark, Routhier has also had exhibitions in Italy. Notable exhibitions include Imago Mundi: Luciano Benetton Collection: Mappa dell'arte nuova at Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice in 2015, as well as shows at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art and SixtyEight in Copenhagen. Routhier has participated in one solo show and eight group shows, including exhibitions with Kasper Hesselbjerg and Fredrik Tyden.

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