About the Artwork

David Blandy

David Blandy is a British artist who was born in 1976 and currently lives and works in Brighton and London. He received his BA in Sculpture from Chelsea College of Art in 1995-98 and his MA in Fine Art Media from the Slade School of Art in 2001-03.

Blandy's work is characterized by his use of video and performance to explore cultural influences on our lives. He is known for his collaborative approach, which explores communal and personal heritage, as well as interdependence. Blandy's research spans a range of topics, from historic texts and academic archives to archaeology and ecological theory, as well as more contemporary sources such as twitch streams and film archives.

His projects often involve complex installations, performance, writing, gaming, and sound. Blandy is represented by Seventeen Gallery in London and his films are distributed by LUX, also in London.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1976

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, Brighton

  • Personal website