About the Artwork Erin O’keefe

Erin O’Keefe

Erin O'Keefe is a visual artist and architect born in 1962 in Bronxville, New York, who currently lives in New York City. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Cornell University and a Master of Architecture degree from Columbia University. O'Keefe's work is influenced by a lineage of photographers that include Florence Henri, Barbara Kasten, and others who have examined photography on an elemental level specific to the digital age. Her work explores both the specific properties of photography and many of the material and theoretical concerns of architecture.

O'Keefe's work has been exhibited in the US and internationally at various galleries, including the Wave Hill in New York, The Photographer's Gallery and Seventeen Gallery in London, Albada Jelgersma Gallery in Amsterdam, Kasmin Gallery and Sandra Gering Inc. in New York, and the Providence College Galleries in Rhode Island.

She was awarded the 2019 NYSCA/NYFA Fellowship in Photography, and her work has been reviewed or featured in several publications, including Artforum, The Paris Review, Harper's Magazine, The New Yorker, The Village Voice, Vogue, VICE Magazine, and Paper Journal. O'Keefe's work is in museum collections, including the Mead Art Museum in Amherst, MA, the Museum Voorlinden in The Netherlands, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1962

  • Country:

    United States of America, New York