About the Artwork 56 B E1 C9 a F6 Ea 4 B23 a C40 30 A03 C7 C10 B1

David Raymond Conroy

David Raymond Conroy is a British artist born in 1978 in Liverpool, UK. He currently lives and works in London. Conroy works across a variety of media, including sculpture, painting, performance, and video, often exploring themes of identity, representation, and the relationship between art and everyday life.

Conroy often incorporates found materials and objects into his work, such as discarded furniture, advertising images, and online memes. Through this approach, he critiques the role of consumer culture in shaping personal identity and societal values. His work also frequently engages with the conventions of art history, using parody and satire to challenge established artistic norms.

In addition to his visual art practice, Conroy is also a writer and curator. He has contributed to a range of publications and organized exhibitions at institutions including the ICA London, the Royal Academy of Arts, and the Whitechapel Gallery. Conroy has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally, with recent solo exhibitions at institutions such as Emalin, London (2022), Vilma Gold, London (2019), and Kunstverein Freiburg, Germany (2018).

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  • Years:

    Born in 1978

  • Country:

    United Kingdom