Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard

Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard collaborate in various artistic mediums, including film, installation, performance, sound, documentary, and TV drama.

Biography of Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard

Iain Forsyth (born in 1973) and Jane Pollard (born in 1972) first crossed paths and began their collaborative work during their studies in Fine Art and Art Theory at Goldsmiths College. They graduated together in 1995, initially focusing on live performance events.

However, since 2003, their primary emphasis has shifted to film and video. In 2002, they returned to Goldsmiths, earning an MA degree in Fine Art in 2004.

Initiated during their college years, their first collaborative project involved the publication of "Words & Pictures" – an art magazine in a box. Released three times annually from May 1994 until November 1997, each edition compiled objects crafted by 20 different artists into an A5-sized cardboard box. Forsyth and Pollard concluded the project after completing 10 issues.

In 1997, Iain & Jane were chosen to participate in 'New Contemporaries,' the longest-running and highly esteemed survey showcasing contemporary art emerging from the art schools in the UK.

In 2008, they assumed the directorial role for the promotional videos of the Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds singles "Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!," "More News From Nowhere," and "Midnight Man." Additionally, they collaborated with Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds on a collection of films corresponding to each of the 14 studio albums produced by the band. 

Their inaugural comprehensive exhibition was hosted by the South London Gallery in February–March 2011. Subsequently, in January 2012, they received a nomination for the Samsung Art+ Prize.

Their first feature film, "20,000 Days on Earth," won two awards at Sundance and received nominations from BAFTA and the Independent Spirit Awards. In 2015, Iain & Jane were honored with the Douglas Hickox Award for Best Debut Director from the British Independent Film Awards.

Currently, Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard live and work in London. 

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