About the Artwork Samson Kambalu Magdalen Picture by Jeremy Hibbert
© Photo by Jeremy Hibbert

Samson Kambalu

Samson Kambalu is a Malawian artist, writer, and academic, known for his thought-provoking works that challenge societal norms and traditions. Kambalu's work is deeply rooted in his upbringing in Malawi and his experiences as a child growing up in a post-colonial country.

Kambalu's work is multi-disciplinary, spanning sculpture, painting, installation, performance art, and video. His work often incorporates found objects and materials, and he draws inspiration from his background in literature and philosophy.

In addition to his artistic practice, Kambalu is also an academic, currently holding a professorship at the Ruskin School of Art at the University of Oxford. His academic work focuses on the intersections of art, literature, and philosophy, and he has written extensively on African art and culture.

Kambalu's work has been exhibited internationally, including at the Venice Biennale, the Dakar Biennale, and the Tate Modern in London. His art challenges viewers to reconsider their perceptions of culture, identity, and history, and his unique perspective has made him a prominent voice in the contemporary art world.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1975

  • Country:
