Hamed Norouzi

Biography of Hamed Norouzi

Born in 1991, Norouzi has emerged as a promising artist, leaving his mark on prestigious galleries, including the renowned Shirin Gallery in Tehran.

In recent years, Norouzi's work has been celebrated through a series of captivating exhibitions, both solo and group, showcasing his unique talent and creative vision. His solo exhibition titled "Sting Therapy" at the Shirin Gallery in Tehran in 2021 drew attention for its innovative approach and thought-provoking themes.

Notably, Norouzi's participation in group exhibitions has further solidified his presence in the contemporary art scene. In 2022, his artwork was featured in the "Invisible Palace of Imagination" exhibition at the Shirin Gallery, offering viewers a glimpse into his imaginative world. Additionally, the "Group Drawing Exhibition" at Seyhoun Art Gallery in Tehran in 2023 provided a platform for Norouzi to showcase his talent alongside other artists.

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