Hussain Sharif

Sharif's artistic ethos is founded on the conviction that artists ought not confine themselves to conventional mediums, but should instead embrace the swift and profound changes unfolding within society.

Biography of Hussain Sharif

Hussain Sharif, born in 1961 in Dubai, UAE, is a prominent artist whose creative journey began at the High Institute of Kuwait, where he studied theatre design and graduated in 1986. He quickly rose to the position of Head designer at Sharjah TV, showcasing his artistic talent early in his career.

Sharif co-established the Emirates Fine Arts Society alongside his brother, Hassan Sharif. Across his distinguished career, he has engaged in more than 45 solo and group exhibitions, in addition to participating in 7 international art fairs.

Hussain Sharif's latest retrospective at the Cultural Foundation in Abu Dhabi served as a mesmerizing tribute to his exceptional talent and innovative vision. With his pioneering creations and steadfast commitment to pushing the limits of artistry, Sharif continues to inspire audiences globally.

Hussain Sharif's Art Style

Sharif's artworks are known for their captivating expression, characterized by a methodical and forceful approach that pushes creative tension to its limits. 

One of Sharif's notable contributions to the art world is his innovative use of recycled materials, such as cups, plastic bottles, and metal cans, in artworks like "Cars, Faces, or Cements." Through this approach, he demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and the exploration of new mediums, challenging conventional notions of artistry.

The streets of our cities are teeming with materials, and the sanctity of any individual material is lost. I find inspiration in working with recycled materials, breathing new life into discarded objects, and challenging the conventional notions of artistry."
Hussain Sharif
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