About the Artwork Graham Dolphin Medium.jpg

Graham Dolphin

Graham Dolphin is a British artist who was born in 1972 in Stafford, UK, and currently lives and works in Newcastle, UK. His works span across a range of media, including drawings, paintings, sculptures, and videos. One of his notable works is a series of drawings that depict the imagined last view of iconic musicians. He also creates gates and doors that are denied their function, leaving them in a state of flux between sculptures and paintings.

Dolphin's works have been exhibited in numerous solo exhibitions at venues such as Baltic Gateshead, Växjö Konsthall in Sweden, Regina Gallery in Moscow, and Seventeen in London. His works have also been shown in group exhibitions, including Brink at CGP London, UK (2016), On The Immense and the Numberless at David Risley Gallery in Copenhagen, DK (2016), The Curves of the Needle at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art (Baltic 39) in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (2015), Swansea (Track 10) at Art Across the City in Swansea, UK (2015), The Secret Self at NEST in The Hague, NL (2015), Reverb at Torrance Art Museum in Torrance, US (2014), and Tip Of The Iceberg at Contemporary Art Society in London, UK (2013).

Dolphin's works explore themes of memory, identity, and cultural icons, inviting the viewer to engage with different artists and to participate in a dialogue that transcends time and space.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1972

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, Newcastle