About the Artwork D B8 De D05 E22 a 47 A4 A1 E8 79 F3 F9 Ba C711

Gerasimos Floratos

Gerasimos Floratos, a first-generation Greek American and native New Yorker, was born in 1986 in New York City where he currently resides and works. Floratos' paintings and sculptures manipulate the concept of site specificity and the idea of being "rooted" in a particular place. Through the use of psycho-figurative bodies, his artworks serve as tools for mapping space in various forms, including psychogeography of the globalized world, societies or microcosms created through shared practices, and the internal spaces of the mind. Floratos' slouchy alter egos frequently present throughout his creations offer avenues for investigating the relationship between the material and psychological bodies. His artwork is characterized by a coded visual language, coupled with a distinct lexicon from which he derives titles for his pieces and exhibitions.

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