About the Artwork Jonathan Horowitz Photo by Openingceremony Artist Portrait Photo Studio Bio

Jonathan Horowitz

Jonathan Horowitz is an American artist known for his politically engaged works that comment on contemporary social and political issues. Horowitz was born in New York City and studied at Wesleyan University and the Whitney Independent Study Program.

Horowitz's work often uses popular culture and media imagery as a starting point, recontextualizing familiar images and symbols to comment on social and political issues. He is interested in the ways in which popular culture reflects and shapes our collective values and beliefs, and his work often challenges the assumptions and biases inherent in mainstream media representations.

Jonathan Horowitz has had numerous solo exhibitions, including at Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Kunsthalle St. Gallen; Contemporary Art Museum Houston; New Museum, New York; MoMA PS1, New York; and Museum Ludwig, Cologne. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1966

  • Country:

    United States of America, New York