About the Artwork Joanne Greenbaum Web Feature E1595341831629

Joanne Greenbaum

Joanne Greenbaum employs mixed media, including oil paint, acrylic paint, magic markers, and others. 

Biography of Joanne Greenbaum

Joanne Greenbaum was born in 1953 in New York, where she continues to live and work.

In 1975, she graduated from Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, New York), where she studied under Elizabeth Murray, with a BA degree.

In 2001, Greenbaum was honored with a Guggenheim Fellowship. In 2004, she ventured into crafting abstract, small ceramic sculptures following her enrollment in a ceramics class at Greenwich House.

Greenbaum's paintings are characterized as "geological," with each layer contributing to distinct strata, and she retains all the layers without removal.

Throughout the last two decades, she has taken part in numerous exhibitions across the United States and Europe. Her solo exhibitions have been held at the Museum of the School of Fine Arts Boston, Nicolas Krupp Contemporary Art (Basel), Van Horn Gallery (Düsseldorf), Rachel Uffner Gallery (New York), greengrassi (London), Richard Telles Gallery, and many more.

Joanne Greenbaum's artworks have also been featured in group exhibitions, including "We Might not Have a Planet Left Soon" at Galerie Kornfeld in Berlin (2017), "Intelligent Touch" at Whatspace in Tilburg (2017), "The State of New York Painting" at Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn (2017), "Fort Greene" at Venus in Los Angeles (2016), among others.

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