
Karl Haendel

Karl Haendel, born in 1976 in New York City, is a prominent American artist known for his innovative approach to photorealistic drawing. Currently based in Los Angeles, California, Haendel has established himself as a leading figure in the contemporary art world.

Karl Haendel's Art Style

At the core of Haendel's practice lies the exploration of appropriation and recontextualization of visual signifiers through the medium of photorealistic drawing. His drawings, although frequently direct replicas of photographs, are also rendered on a notably larger scale.

Haendel's artistic process involves removing images from their original context, thereby inviting viewers to engage with them in a new and thought-provoking manner. He introduces a fresh visual vocabulary and offers critiques on contemporary sociocultural dynamics. 

Central to Haendel's artistic ethos is a commitment to "honestly present a vision of the world that he…believes to be true." 

Exhibitions of Karl Haendel's Works

Recent solo exhibitions include "Daily Act of Sustained Empathy" at Vielmetter Los Angeles in Los Angeles (2023), "Praise Berlin" at Wentrup Gallery in Berlin (2022), "Double Dominant" at Vielmetter Los Angeles in Los Angeles (2020), "Mazel Tov Group by Karl Haendel" at Henry Art Gallery in Seattle (2019), and many more. 

Karl Haendel has also participated in numerous group exhibitions, including "The Art of Oscar" at Jeffrey Deitch & The Hollywood Reporter in Los Angeles (2024), "Cowboy" at MCA Denver in Denver (2023), "Perpetual Portrait" at Vielmetter Los Angeles in Los Angeles (2023), "Works on Paper on Fridges" at Harkawik in New York (2022), among others.

 Karl Haendel's Works have been featured in various international showcases, including 2008 California Biennial, 12th Biennale de Lyon (2013), and 2014 Whitney Biennial.

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