About the Artwork Gaspar Willmann Portrait.jpg

Gaspar Willmann

Gaspar Willmann is a French artist born in 1995, who lives and works in Paris. He works with video, installation, and painting, using everyday objects and images to explore collective representations and behaviors in the context of a technocratic society. Willmann graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Art de Lyon in 2019 and has exhibited his work at various venues, including the Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard in Paris and Divan Orange in Montreal. In 2019, he was awarded the Prix de Paris and in 2020, he was in residence at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. Willmann's works often involve a critical examination of the circulation and impact of affects, emotions, and desires in contemporary society.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1995

  • Country:

    France, Paris

  • Gallery:

    Exo Exo