About the Artwork 62.jpg

Mari Eastman

Mari Eastman, who was born in 1970 and resides in Chicago, is a member of the Painting and Drawing Department at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), from where she has earned an MFA degree. Her art is rooted in a pictorial exploration of images sourced from popular culture, including fashion magazines, decorative items, and depictions of famous personalities. Eastman combines these elements with personal narratives, resulting in a unique blend of imagery. Her paintings, which are typically small and intimate, feature loose brushstrokes and an intentionally rough execution, creating an effect that defocuses the image and strips away its initial delicate allure. Eastman describes this approach as a means of challenging and breaking free from the weighty artistic heritage that she inherited as a painter.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1970

  • Country:

    United States of America, Chicago

  • Gallery:
