About the Artwork Anna Dot Loop 2020 400x400.jpg

Anna Dot

Anna Dot is a multifaceted artist who holds a PhD in Translation from the University of Vic, where she also teaches. She is a member of the directive team at the School of Arts of Torelló and is represented by Bombon Projects in Barcelona. Dot's artistic research focuses on translation and communicative acts, examining the processes of reading and writing beyond linguistic boundaries. She employs various processes and materials in her work, depending on the ideas she is exploring. Walking as an artistic practice is a recurring theme in Dot's projects, which are evident in her various interventions and performances such as the Walter Benjamin Route 2016, Bianyal 2017, the program "Naturalesa no és paisatge – Escenes erràtiques" at ARBAR, and the ongoing collective project "Octavianes".

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