Thomas Cap de Ville

Thomas Cap de Ville is a French artist born in 1978 in Rochefort and currently based in Paris. His work revolves around his inner world, gathering objects and obsessions from his adolescence and the counterculture of the 1990s. Cap de Ville began his career in the fashion industry, creating videos in collaboration with musicians such as La Chatte. He later became involved in collective projects, including an exhibition at the Fondation Cartier in Paris in 2011.

In 2017 and 2019, Cap de Ville held his first solo exhibitions at Goswell Road. In 2020, he was invited to participate in a residency at Confort Moderne in Poitiers, which culminated in his first institutional exhibition, curated by Yann Chevalier. His works often include installations, sculptures, and paintings that reflect on the human condition and the passage of time, often infused with a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1978

  • Country:

    France, Paris

  • Gallery:

    Exo Exo