Elliott Jamal Robbins

Elliott Jamal Robbins is a contemporary artist from Oklahoma City, born in 1988. He is known for his ultra-contemporary art. His first confirmed exhibition was "Drawings, paintings, maybe a sculpture" at Everybody in Tucson, AZ in 2016, and his most recent exhibition was "missing target" at Kai Matsumiya in New York City, NY in 2021. Elliott Jamal Robbins has exhibited primarily in the United States, but has also had exhibitions in Germany and the Netherlands. Over the past five years, he has had at least six solo shows and ten group shows. He was featured in the 2019 White Columns Benefit Auction at White Columns in New York City and also exhibited at The Drawing Center in New York City. Robbins has exhibited alongside other artists such as Sheila Pree Bright and Cauleen Smith.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1988

  • Country:

    United States of America, Oklahoma City