E.B. Itso

E.B. Itso often focuses on what lies beyond the limits of everyday life, exploring the lives of people who have intentionally chosen to exist outside of social conventions.

E.B. Itso's Art Style

E.B. Itso concentrates on people and places that are often overlooked or deliberately neglected, dedicating himself to investigating these underworlds. By exploring and studying the unnoticed, he blurs the lines between documentation and participation. In doing so, E.B. Itso adopts some of their secrecy, allowing him to subtly reveal the mysterious elegance of these often overlooked or deliberately neglected people and spaces.

His investigation of these underworld elements, present in every city and country, reveals a certain universality within his work. This is counterbalanced by the intimacy with which he treats his subjects, resulting in a complex and often open-ended social critique that gives a voice to those too often left unheard.

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