Cornelia Baltes

Cornelia Baltes is a contemporary artist known for her vibrant and dynamic works.

Biography of Cornelia Baltes

Cornelia Baltes was born in 1978 in Mönchengladbach, Germany. She pursued her MFA at the Slade School of Fine Art in London, completing her studies in 2011. Before that, she earned a diploma from Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen (2003-2006) and studied at Bergische Universität Wuppertal (2000-2003).

Her solo exhibitions have been held at various prestigious galleries worldwide, including Andréhn-Schiptjenko in Stockholm, Nino Mier Gallery in Los Angeles, Rodolphe Janssen in Brussels, Eigen + Art Lab in Berlin, Galleri Nicolai Wallner in Copenhagen, Chapter Arts Center in Cardiff, and many more.

Baltes has showcased her work in numerous group exhibitions, including "Keine illusionen" at Hamburger Kunsthalle in Hamburg (2023), "BEACH" (curated by Danny Moynihan) at Nino Mier Gallery in New York (2023), "Trio Feminin" at Christine König Galerie in Vienna(2022), "Cadmio Limón" at Galería Pelaires in Palma (2020), among others. 

Her inclusion in a significant 2019 exhibition at Kunstmuseum Bonn, Museum Wiesbaden, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz – Museum Gunzenhauser, and Diechtorhallen Hamburg highlighted her as a prominent figure in emerging German painting. Recently, her practice has expanded to include murals and permanent installations, notably at SOSU Silkeborg in Denmark.

Currently residing and working in Berlin, Baltes has developed a significant presence in the art world through her distinctive style and innovative approach. 

Cornelia Baltes' Art Style

Cornelia Baltes' artwork is characterized by a blend of abstraction and figuration, where she skillfully navigates between the two, often incorporating corporeal elements such as hands, feet, and parts of faces. These elements, frequently captured in motion, are combined with bold lines and gestural forms, creating shapes that hint at a narrative without fully revealing it. Her technique is precise, utilizing highly pigmented black paint to add depth and contrast to her vibrant color palette.

Baltes' work evokes a sense of urgency and energy, each brushstroke appearing deliberate and intentional while remaining open to interpretation. Her imagery plays with viewers' memories, drawing on subjective experiences to create personal and intimate narratives that are simultaneously universal. The spontaneity and playfulness in her work, coupled with subtle details, invite viewers into a dynamic and intense world, making her a standout figure in contemporary art.

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