Anna Kristine Hvid Petersen

Anna Kristine Hvid Petersen primarily works in the field of painting. 

Biography of Anna Kristine Hvid Petersen

Anna Kristine Hvid Petersen, born in 1992, is a Danish artist who lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. She completed her MFA at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2022. Before this, she studied at The Swedish Academy of Realist Art in Simrishamn, Sweden from 2018 to 2019, and obtained her BFA from the Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts in 2018. 

Her solo exhibitions include "Stykker af og om vævet" at Galleri Nicolai Wallner in Copenhagen (2023) and "Øjne af Galakser" at Prince Gallery in Copenhagen (2017). 

Hvid Petersen's works have been also featured in numerous group exhibitions held at various galleries and museums worldwide, including The Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Udstillingsstedet Q, Galerie Protégé, Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall, and other esteemed venues. 

Anna Kristine Hvid Petersen’s Art Style

Anna Kristine Hvid Petersen's paintings are sublime, rich, and meticulous in detail, creating a window into an alternative world. At first glance, her compositions and techniques nod towards the traditions of still life. However, a closer examination reveals inaccuracies in shadows, captivating yet deceptive backgrounds, and a mix of familiar and unknown objects. These elements combine to create dynamic narratives that seem almost within our grasp.

Her works often verge into scenography and landscape, portraying objects with human-like characteristics. The objects appear aware of the viewer's presence and their symbolic significance. Her predominant use of smaller formats compels viewers to engage closely with her work, intensifying the experience.

The result is a playful and captivating series of works that suggest a parallel reality, building an evolving and growing storyline layer by layer.

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