About the Artwork 07161010

Chadwick Rantanen

Chadwick Rantanen is a Los Angeles-based artist who creates sculptures, installations, and site-specific interventions that explore the tension between opposites. Using industrial materials such as mugs, plastic bins, and fluorescent lights, he alters and assembles them into works of art that playfully highlight the relationship between mass-production and handmade, industry and art, and function and decoration.

Rantanen's recent works are closer to the aesthetics, language, and materials of industrial design. Some of his works include chandelier-like clusters of ceramic mugs, floor-to-ceiling installations made of colored aluminum poles affixed with tennis balls, and fluorescent light fixtures detached from one end to form elegant, triangular ceiling sculptures.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1983

  • Country:

    United States of America, Los Angeles