Caroline Mesquita

Caroline Mesquita is a French artist born in 1989 in Brest. She is known for her large-scale sculptures and installations that explore themes of transformation, identity, and the relationship between the body and the environment. Mesquita often works with metals such as copper, brass, and aluminum, and she is interested in the ways in which these materials can be shaped and transformed through processes such as casting and welding.

Her work often takes on a figurative quality, with humanoid forms that suggest a state of flux or metamorphosis. Mesquita's work has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world, including the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, the Kunsthalle Basel in Switzerland, and the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. In 2016, she was awarded the Prix Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, one of France's most prestigious contemporary art prizes. Today, Mesquita continues to create innovative and provocative work from her studio in Paris.

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