About the Artwork Martin 860x842

Martin Aagaard Hansen

Martin Aagaard Hansen, a contemporary artist from Denmark, started his artistic journey at the age of 17 in the basement of his former apartment in Odense. He later pursued his education at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts under the guidance of Thomas Locher. Hansen's painting process is unique and varies for each artwork, allowing for a fluidity in his style.

He oscillates between abstract intuition found in the act of painting and concrete inspiration derived from his memories or his surroundings. Hansen's works have been showcased in numerous exhibitions, including those at Jacob Bjørn Gallery, Charlotte Fogh Gallery in Århus, Viborg Kunsthal, and Kunsthal Rønnebæksholm. Currently, he resides and works in Copenhagen.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1988

  • Country:

    Denmark, Copenhagen

  • Gallery:

    Union Pacific