About the Artwork Iku F S18 Guest Jan Kiefer.jpg

Jan Kiefer

Jan Kiefer is a German-born artist who currently lives and works in Basel, Switzerland. He obtained his master's degree in Fine Arts from the Academy of Arts and Design in Basel in 2012. Kiefer has held several solo exhibitions, including "Honeybaked" at Kunstverein SALTS in Basel in 2017, "Them!" with Yoan Mudry at Lokal Int in Biel in 2017, "Zermatt Groove" at Zabriskie Point in Geneva in 2016, and "Guaud" at Kunsthaus Baselland in Basel in 2013.

Kiefer's works have been featured in numerous group exhibitions both in Switzerland and internationally, such as "Köln Skulptur #9" at Sculpture Park Cologne in 2017, "Le charme indescret" at Kunstraum Riehen in Basel in 2017, "Kunstkredit" at Kunsthalle Basel in 2015, and "Afterimage" at Kunsthalle Exnergasse in Vienna in 2012.

In 2019, Kiefer was selected as Swiss Institute's Artist-in-Residence from September to December. His work will also be included in Môtiers 2020: Art en plein air in Môtiers, Switzerland.

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