About the Artwork © Marilou Chabert

Camille Soualem

Camille Soualem (born 1993) is a Paris-based artist who graduated from Ecole des Beaux-arts de Paris in 2017. Her work spans across oil painting, charcoal drawing, and papier mâché sculptures. She often represents women or non-binary people and creates worlds that are filled with possibilities and where every part of the painting communicates like an ecosystem.

In Soualem's work, there is no hierarchy or borders between the characters and their environment. She seeks symbiosis and talks about love, softness, friendship, care, and self-love as powerful resources to exist and resist. Her paintings are characterized by a vivid color palette and a whimsical, dreamlike quality.

Soualem was awarded the Rose-Tapin Painting Prize in 2018 and had her first solo exhibition at La Corvée, Paris in 2021. In 2022, she was an artist in residence at La Villa Belleville, Paris, and is scheduled to have a solo show at Exo Exo, Paris in 2023. Her work has also been exhibited in group shows in France and internationally.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1993

  • Country:


  • Gallery:

    Exo Exo