About the Artwork Rikanoguchi 400x541

Rika Noguchi

Noguchi Rika is a contemporary Japanese artist born in 1971 in Nagano, Japan. She graduated from Tama Art University in Tokyo in 1995, and since then has exhibited her works in various solo and group exhibitions in Japan and overseas.

Noguchi's works often explore the theme of memory and its connection to place, as well as the fragility of human existence. She uses a variety of media, including photography, video, and installation, to create thought-provoking and visually striking works.

One of her most well-known series is "Untitled (Human Skin)", in which she photographed sections of her skin in extreme close-up, highlighting the imperfections and details that are often overlooked. The series is a reflection of the vulnerability and fragility of human existence and the fleeting nature of beauty.

In addition to her artistic practice, Noguchi is also a professor at Musashino Art University in Tokyo, where she teaches in the Department of Intermedia Art.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1971

  • Country:

    Japan, Saitama