About the Artwork Brice Dellsperger Crash Frankperrin 1600x963
© Photo by Frank Perrin

Brice Dellsperger

Brice Dellsperger is a French artist born in 1972, best known for his film series "Body Double" (1995-ongoing) in which he reinterprets famous movies with a cast of actors playing all roles. Dellsperger's work blurs the line between cinema and art, exploring themes of identity, gender, and sexuality.

He has been exhibited in numerous international institutions and festivals, including Centre Pompidou in Paris, MoMA PS1 in New York, and the Venice Biennale. Dellsperger's practice also includes drawing, collage, and installation, often incorporating elements of popular culture and camp aesthetics. His work challenges conventional representations of gender and desire, creating a provocative and surreal visual language.

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