About the Artwork Aret Gicir

Aret Gıcır

Biography of Aret Gıcır

Born in Istanbul in 1978, Aret Gıcır's artistic trajectory is marked by a rich academic background and a commitment to exploring the world through the lens of colors and canvases.

His passion for painting led him to the prestigious Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts, where he honed his skills and immersed himself in the world of artistic expression. The artist graduated from the Department of Painting in 2008.

In 2009, Aret Gıcır marked a significant milestone with his first solo exhibition, "Yerevan." Held at the historic Tokatlıyan Han, the exhibition provided a glimpse into Aret Gıcır's artistic exploration and set the stage for his future endeavors.

Aret Gıcır's artistic journey transcends borders, as evidenced by his recognition and the award of an artist residence in New York. The Moon and Stars Project-SVA acknowledged Gıcır's talent and provided him with the opportunity to further enrich his artistic perspective in the dynamic and diverse landscape of New York City in 2013.

Currently, the artist resides and works in both Istanbul and Boston.

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