Dorota Jurczak

Dorota Jurczak is a contemporary artist based in Warsaw, Poland. Born in 1978 in Warsaw, she is known for her colorful and patterned works that explore darker, uncanny themes.

Jurczak's works often combine elements of figuration and abstraction, using a variety of media including painting, drawing, and collage. Her compositions feature bold, bright colors and intricate patterns, which are sometimes disrupted by unsettling imagery or ambiguous symbols. By juxtaposing these contrasting elements, Jurczak creates a sense of tension and unease in her works, inviting viewers to engage with the darker side of human experience.

Throughout her career, Jurczak has exhibited her work in numerous solo and group shows in Poland and internationally. She has also received several awards and grants for her artistic achievements, including the prestigious Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant in 2014.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1978

  • Country:


  • Gallery:
