About the Artwork 335.jpg

Szymon Rogiński

Szymon Roginski is a visual artist, photographer, and author of photobooks, born in 1975 in Gdansk, Poland. He currently lives and works in Warsaw. Roginski has been working in series for more than twenty years, with photography as a base for his work and practice. He focuses on nocturnes and the material qualities of light, and his work can be found in a number of collections, including the MuFo in Krakow, the Wroclaw Contemporary Museum, and the National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning in Warsaw. His work has been exhibited in museums and galleries around the world.

Apart from working solo, Roginski also enjoys collaborations, both in artistic and commercial contexts, in the role of photographer/director. His inspirations for his work range from David Lynch and road movies, pop culture and Poland (as cliche, phantasm, and place), to the Anthropocene, post-apocalyptic scenarios and visions, and the man-altered landscape.

Currently, Roginski is exploring the creative uses of drone photography, photogrammetry, as well as VR.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1975

  • Country:


  • Gallery:
