About the Artwork Alek O.

Alek O.

Alek O., born in 1981 in Buenos Aires, graduated from Politecnico di Milano in 2005 with a degree in industrial design. She currently lives and works in Como, Italy, where her artistic practice revolves around the fusion of readymade objects with craft, embroidery, and painting.

Alek O.'s work involves the use of everyday objects that hold personal significance to her, such as umbrellas from a beach vacation or tables from her family's home. These objects are transformed into abstract compositions through various craft procedures, often resulting in a geometric aesthetic. While the objects are physically altered, their memories and materials remain intact, making the process a mode of conservation.

The artist has been exploring the tangram formation, a type of puzzle that dissects geometric pieces to create new shapes and forms. Her finished works showcase the individual components, creating recognizable visual structures. Wall hangings are also a common feature in her practice, utilizing negative space to outline different sections of the composition.

Overall, Alek O.'s work is a unique blend of traditional art-making techniques and personal anecdotes, resulting in abstract yet recognizable pieces that serve as a mode of conservation for the objects that hold personal significance to her.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1981

  • Country:

    Argentina, Buenos Aires

  • Gallery:

    Martina Simeti