About the Artwork Maxresdefault

Davide Stucchi

Davide Stucchi is an Italian sculptor born in 1988 who currently lives and works in Milan. His works primarily involve minimal interventions and subtle manipulations of existing materials to explore the body, its social functions, and representations. Stucchi's installations follow directed movements and set-ups, where objects follow traces and materialize absent bodies inscribed with private and intimate feelings and memories. His work often deals with the intersection of queer masculinity, sexuality, and class relationships by confronting exterior realms such as fashion or advertisement with domesticity.

Stucchi has presented solo exhibitions at various galleries, including Gregor Staiger in Zurich, Sundogs in Paris, and Zazà in Naples, all in 2019. He has also participated in numerous group exhibitions, such as at Museo Macro in 2022, Stadtgalerie Bern in Switzerland in 2020, Centrale Fies in Dro, Italy in 2019, Fondazione Sandretto ReRebaudengo in Turin, Italy in 2018, and Quadriennale di Roma at Palazzo Delle Esposizioni in Rome, Italy in 2016. Stucchi has also held residencies at Triangle in Marseille in 2016, Cité internationale des Arts in Paris, and Fondazione Pastificio Cerere per l'Arte Contemporanea in Rome in 2013. Between 2011 and 2013, he ran Gasconade, a non-profit space in Milan, together with M. D'Aurizio, L. Castiglioni, and V. Angiolini.

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