About the Artwork 06 F138 Cf E189 426 E a A22 09 Acfb E85532

Adrian Balseca

Adrián Balseca, an artist from Quito, Ecuador, born in 1989, uses representation, narration, and interaction strategies in his work to highlight cultural specificities of particular places. He is fascinated with the relationship and tensions between industrial and craft practices, and the historical processes and materials involved in manufacturing goods. Balseca's artistic practice includes small interventions to large-scale site-specific actions or video documentation, elaborating on themes of emerging economies, environment and nature, power, and social memory.

Balseca has held solo exhibitions such as "Plantasia Oil Company" at Casa do Sertanista/Museu da Cidade de São Paulo, São Paulo and "Plantasia Oil Co." at N24 Galeria de Arte, Quito in 2021, and "The Unbalanced Land" at Madragoa, Lisbon in 2019, among others. He has also participated in several group exhibitions such as "Rethinking Nature" at Museo Madre, Napoli in 2021 and "Faz escuro mas eu canto" at the 34th Bienal de São Paulo, São Paulo in 2020, among others.

Balseca received the inaugural Prémio Brasil Emerging Art Prize in 2013 and the Premio Paris at the 12th International Cuenca Biennial in 2014. Additionally, he was awarded the annual Grants & Commissions Program 2015 at the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO).

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  • Years:

    Born in 1989

  • Country:

    Ecuador, Quito

  • Gallery:
