Vedovi Gallery

Vedovi Gallery is a contemporary art gallery located in Brussels, Belgium. The gallery was founded by Elena Vedovi in 2012, with a focus on representing emerging and established contemporary artists working in a variety of media.

The gallery exhibits a wide range of contemporary art, including painting, sculpture, video, installation, and performance. The artists represented by Vedovi Gallery come from diverse backgrounds and nationalities, and their work often explores themes related to contemporary social, cultural, and political issues.

Vedovi Gallery is committed to fostering the careers of the artists it represents and promoting their work through exhibitions, publications, and collaborations with other galleries and cultural institutions. The gallery also works closely with collectors, curators, and institutions to facilitate the acquisition and exhibition of contemporary art.

In addition to its exhibitions, Vedovi Gallery organizes events such as artist talks, book launches, and screenings, which aim to foster dialogue and engagement with contemporary art among a broader audience.

Overall, Vedovi Gallery is a dynamic and innovative space in the European contemporary art scene, dedicated to showcasing and promoting the work of emerging and established contemporary artists from around the world.

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  • Location
  • Brussels, 11 Bd de Waterloo 1000