About the Artwork Zhang Miao  1598330134.jpg

Zhang Miao

Zhang Miao is a Beijing native born in 1985. Zhang Miao obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2008, and later completed a Master of Fine Arts degree from the same department in 2017.

Zhang Miao's impressive artistic talent has been showcased in various solo exhibitions. In 2022, her work will be featured in "Zone Out" at OCAT Xi'an in Xi'an, China, as well as "Over Arc" at the Museum Beelden aan Zee in The Hague, Netherlands. In 2020, she exhibited "HALO" at the CLC Gallery Venture in Beijing, and in 2018, she exhibited "It's Your Moment, Enjoy It" at C5798 in Beijing.

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