About the Artwork D F70 C3 E3 B F80 4 Ecd B B24 3 B08900 D C39 C

Alberto Casari

Alberto Casari pursued painting studies at the National School of Fine Arts (1975-1977). After that, he voyaged across South America and served as a sailor in the merchant navy. In 1994, while residing in Italy, he founded the PPPP Project: “Productos Peruanos Para Pensar” (‘Peruvian Projects made to Think’), an art enterprise where distinct facets of the artist’s persona merge. PPPP is comprised of the extensive performative oeuvre of Alberto Casari and his heteronyms: Alfredo Covarrubias (a poet and conceptual artist), Aquiles Córdova Inciso a.k.a. “El Místico” and Arturo Kobayashi (both painters), and ultimately Patrick van Host, a Dutch historian and erudite critic of PPPP’s output.

By employing heteronyms, he challenges the fixation with the signature as the artist’s trademark and the fetishism focused on it. He has exhibited in over 40 shows in Latin America and Europe, including the Venice Biennale (2011), the Sao Paulo Biennial (2012), and the Lima Ibero-American Biennial (1997).

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  • Years:

    Born in 1955

  • Country:

    Peru, Lima

  • Gallery:
