About the Artwork 1635113840850

Yudel Francisco Cruz

Yudel Francisco Cruz is a contemporary Cuban painter and sculptor. He was born in Pinar del Río, Cuba in 1972, where he lived and worked until 2019 when he moved to Canada.

Cruz is known for his colorful, expressionist paintings that explore themes of identity, memory, and the relationship between humans and nature. He often incorporates elements of Afro-Cuban culture and mythology into his work, as well as references to Cuba's history and political climate.

In addition to painting, Cruz also creates sculptures using materials such as wood, metal, and found objects. His sculptures often depict anthropomorphic figures, animals, or abstract forms.

Cruz has exhibited his work in solo and group shows in Cuba, Canada, the United States, Spain, and other countries. He has also received numerous awards and honors for his art, including the Juan Francisco Elso Prize at the 7th Salon of Contemporary Cuban Art in Pinar del Río and the Award of Excellence at the 2018 Toronto Outdoor Art Fair.

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