
Waclaw Szpakowski

Waclaw Szpakowski was a Polish artist known for his unique and intricate abstract compositions made up of repetitive lines and patterns. He was born in 1883 in Warsaw, Poland, and lived there for most of his life, working as an engineer by trade.

Szpakowski began creating his abstract drawings in the early 1900s, and continued to work on them throughout his life, creating an extensive body of work that is characterized by its intricacy, precision, and mathematical complexity. His works are composed of repetitive, interlocking lines and geometric shapes that create the illusion of three-dimensional space.

Despite his significant contributions to the field of abstract art, Szpakowski's work remained relatively unknown during his lifetime, and it was only after his death in 1973 that his work began to gain wider recognition. Today, his work is considered an important example of early abstract art, and is held in the collections of major institutions around the world.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1883

  • Country:

    Poland, Warsaw