About the Artwork Photo by Patrick Miller
© Photo by Patrick Miller

Mamma Andersson

Mamma Andersson is a Swedish painter known for her evocative and dreamlike images of domestic interiors, landscapes, and figures. Born in Luleå, Sweden in 1962, Andersson studied at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm, and her work has been exhibited extensively in Sweden and internationally.

Andersson's paintings often feature muted colors and hazy, atmospheric effects that give them a dreamlike quality. She is known for her ability to capture the sense of memory and nostalgia that is often associated with domestic spaces, such as living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms. Her interiors are often sparsely furnished, and they convey a sense of quiet and solitude.

In addition to her interiors, Andersson also paints landscapes and figures. Her landscapes are often depictions of the Swedish countryside, and they convey a sense of the natural world as a place of mystery and wonder. Her figures are usually depicted in a stylized manner, with elongated limbs and exaggerated features that give them a sense of otherworldliness.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1962

  • Country:

    Sweden, Stockholm