Victoria Colmegna

Victoria Colmegna's art delves into the styles and dynamics prevalent within closed systems, such as cliques, offering a self-critical examination of the creation of the 'young' artist's body of work as a form of self-abusive practice.

Her painting, rooted in photography, recalls visual elements akin to a fashion police at a crime scene.

Biography of Victoria Colmegna

Victoria Colmegna was born in 1986 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She attended the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires and Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main, where she studied in Michael Krebber's class.

Her recent solo exhibitions include "Manic Melancholy" at Emanuela Campoli in Paris (2023), "Present Future" at Artissima in Turin (2022), "Love Needs Care" at Weiss Falk in Zurich (2022), "Autre Chienne" at Chronos Kavanagh in Buenos Aires (2021), and many more. 

Victoria Colmegna's works have graced the walls of various institutions worldwide, including the Canadian Center for Architecture (Montreal), Peres Projects (Milan), Weiss Falk (Basel, Zurich), Christian Andersen (Copenhagen), Vicky Colmegna Auction House (Buenos Aires), Aguirre Gallery (Mexico City), Sala Juan Soriano (Guadalajara), Swiss Institute (New York), among others.

Currently, the artist resides and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1986

  • Country:

    Argentina, Buenos Aires